Engineer Job Management System
April 2020
PHP, Laravel, HTML, SASS, Bootstrap 4, PDF Export
4on 365 Limited
4on 365 Limited provide maintenance and engineering of critical power solutions across Europe. 4on 365 have a large client base and a number of engineers who can be scheduled on a number of jobs in a week, they were looking for a system which could easily manage the jobs their engineers were sent out on, and to streamline the reporting process that their engineers have to complete as part of their scheduled jobs and service contracts. I worked directly with a front-end engineer to design and develop the back-end of a bespoke system to handle the requirements of the project.
I was primarily involved in the back-end development of this project and worked towards creating the functionalities of the system, I opted to use the Laravel PHP framework as it is something which I have used previously and felt it supported all the requirements of the system. The system was broken down into two separate sections, a management side and an engineer side. The management side was for organising engineers and allocating them onto jobs as per the requirements of the client and their service contract. Master job forms could also be maintained from the management side, which allowed supervisors to be able to create report forms which should be filled out for specific jobs, and to streamline reports for engineers.
From the engineer side of the system, engineers could log in and see an overview of the jobs that they are booked in to. Whilst on a job they can then fill out the required forms for their allocated work. Upon completion of the report a signature box is filled out by the client and all of the information is then sent over to management for review. The report is then able to be downloaded in PDF format to be added to any external files or for audit purposes.
This was an exciting project to work on, and I particularly enjoyed working with the PDF export functionalities as I hadn't previously worked on a similar solution. For this project I made use of mpdf/mpdf as I found it to be the most featureful of all of the solutions I found online and meant I didn't need to go reinventing the wheel. Overall I believe the solution provided to 4on 365 Limited fit all of the requirements of the specification and allowed for easy future development due to the selection of open source frameworks for development.

Do you want to work with me on a similar project?
If you have a project requirement for your own website or web application I would love to work with you. Get in touch via the contact page or send an email to [email protected] with your request.