Alex Winder Professional Portfolio

This page lists projects I am currently working, or have previously worked on. I have been involved in the development of a large variety of projects for a wide range of clients across various industries, and utilising different technologies to best suit the requirements of each project.

Mabius Wordpress Theme

Mabius was a business venture I was part of with 2 other creative professionals. Mabius is a creative design studio located in Cheltenham, offering web development, branding, marketing and various other bespoke creative services to clients locally and nationally. I worked to develop the Wordpress theme which was used on the company website. We opted to use a Wordpress solution due to the ease of quickly getting a site set up and for long-term maintenance. Although I had lots of experience with Wordpress as a web host, I hadn't previously been involved in a Wordpress development project from start to...

Technologies: Wordpress, PHP, HTML, Less, Tailwind CSS, Babel, Laravel Mix

Engineer Job Management System

4on 365 Limited provide maintenance and engineering of critical power solutions across Europe. 4on 365 have a large client base and a number of engineers who can be scheduled on a number of jobs in a week, they were looking for a system which could easily manage the jobs their engineers were sent out on, and to streamline the reporting process that their engineers have to complete as part of their scheduled jobs and service contracts. I worked directly with a front-end engineer to design and develop the back-end of a bespoke system to handle the requirements of the project....

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, HTML, SASS, Bootstrap 4, PDF Export

Alex Winder Website Redesign

Although I had a fully functioning website, over the years it had become dated and wasn't making use of modern features which had become available since the last time I had built the site. Therefore in February 2020 I decided to do a complete rewrite and redesign of the front-end of my own personal site to give it a fresh new look and feel, and to take advantage of newer browser features such as CSS flexbox. The previous version of the website had been built upon Bootstrap 3, however in the new version I decided I wanted much more control...

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, Vue.js, reCAPTCHA

Down Not Out Website

August 2019

Down Not Out Website

Down Not Out are a four piece pop-punk band with members from Cheltenham and Worcester in the UK. They wanted a website to showcase their music and live shows to their growing fanbase, along with latest news of the band. Down Not Out also wanted to sell merchandise directly from their website and so they wanted a fully functioning web-store to be included in the final version of the website. For the front-end I decided to use Bootstrap 4 due to its ease of use and that the users of the site would be visiting from a wide variety of...

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4, JavaScript, PayPal API, reCAPTCHA

Let's Encrypt Backup

For the majority of clients which I manage websites for, when configuring SSL certificates if the client doesn't have any special requirements I typically opt for Let's Encrypt with Certbot . I choose to use Let's Encrypt for several reasons, first being it's free which when compared to traditional SSL certificates meaning that costs for website owners are reduced. Secondly Let's Encrypt is relatively maintenance free once it is set up and the automated renewals are configured, when compared with other certificates which require a fresh renewal process before the expiry date. Finally, due to the simplicity of setup and...

Technologies: BASH, Let's Encrypt, Certbot

Your project next?

If you have a project requirement for your own website or web application I would love to work with you. Get in touch via the contact page or send an email to [email protected] with your request.